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Welcome to the ACED-IDP Documentation

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This documentation will walk you through the steps for submitting data to the ACED-IDP Data Commons.

For more on ACED, ie the International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection

The International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection (ACED) is a new £55 million partnership between Cancer Research UK, the Canary Center at Stanford University, the University of Cambridge, the Knight Cancer Institute at OHSU, University College London and the University of Manchester.

We are uniting world leading researchers to tackle the biggest challenges in early detection, an important area of unmet clinical need. Scientists in the Alliance are working together at the forefront of technological innovation to translate research into realistic ways to improve cancer diagnosis, which can be implemented into health systems and meaningfully benefit people with cancer.


The gen3-tracker (g3t) command line utility is a combination of tools that facilitate data sharing on the ACED platform. It allows you to create a unified data project, upload files, and associate those files with metadata in an incremental manner. Submitted data with g3t gives you all the benefits the data platform offers: data indexing, data exploration, consolidated access, and more!

The following guide details the steps a data contributor must take to submit a project to the ACED data commons.

Getting Started

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