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Role Based Access Control

Adding Data Access Committee members

Note: This example uses the ohsu program, but the same process applies to all programs.

  • A sysadmin will add the requestor role to a data-access-committee member(s) aka data steward
  • Only users with the requestor role can APPROVE and SIGN adding policies within their program
## As an admin, I need to grant data steward privileges add the requester reader and updater role on a program to an un-privileged user
g3t utilities access add data_steward_example@<institution>.edu --resource_path /programs/<program_name>/projects  --steward
# As an admin, approve that request
g3t utilities access sign

Creating a new project

  • Any user may request a project be added to the institution's program.
  • The user who requested the project is automatically given the read and write roles.
  • Ony users with the data steward role can approve and sign a request
  • An administrator must create the project in the repository
## Adding a new user to a project

* Any user may request a user be added to a project.
* The `--write` flag will grant the user write access to the project.
* Ony users with the steward role can approve and sign a request

g3t utilities access sign --help
Usage: g3t utilities access sign [OPTIONS]

  Sign all policies for a project. 

  --username TEXT  Sign all requests for user within a project

Use case

There are several institutions that are contributing data to ACED. Each institution has a different set of data access policies. Each may have different requirements for how data is accessed, and who can access it. Importantly, each institution may have individual who approves access to data.



We use Gen3's role based access control (RBAC) to manage access to data.

  • There is a separate program resource for each institution:
  • /programs/ohsu
  • /programs/stanford
  • /programs/ucl
  • /programs/manchester

Designated users within each institution have privileges to update requests. "Update" in this context means setting the status of a user's request to [SIGNED].

Since this approach relies on Gen3's Requestor for all assignments of policies to users we get the following benefits:

  • Tooling (command line for now, web page in the future) leverages requestor API
  • Auditing of data access requests is done by requestor