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Quickstart Guide

1. Upload Data (To an Existing Project on ACED IDP)

This section outlines how to add data to ACED IDP. Many g3t commands behave similarily to git commands

Initialize a new project

g3t init aced-demo

Clone an existing project

g3t clone aced-demo

Add file(s)

g3t add folder/file.tsv
g3t add folder/file2.tsv

Create meta data for your files. This g3t command will take care of creating this for you

g3t utilities meta create

Check that the expected files are queued for upload

g3t status

Commit files

g3t commit -m "Adding files"

Push to ACED IDP

g3t push

View the upload status (pending or complete)

g3t status

Check that your data was uploaded successfully by viewing on the Exploration tab on

2. Download Data

Refer to the downloads page