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Integrate your data


You can now seamlessly export and import data from TSV and Excel spreadsheets.

These are new experimental features in this release. We invite users to explore and provide feedback on these additions, which are still in the testing phase. Your input will be invaluable in refining and improving these features for future releases.

Thank you for being part of our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions.

Convert the FHIR data to tabular form.

 g3t utilities meta to_tabular --help
Usage: g3t utilities meta to_tabular [OPTIONS] META_DATA_PATH

  Convert FHIR to tabular format (experimental)

  meta_data_path: meta_data FHIR directory
  tabular_data_path: tabular data directory

  --file_type [tsv|xlsx]  Output file format: tsv or excel

Convert the tabular data to FHIR.

g3t utilities meta from_tabular --help
Usage: g3t utilities meta from_tabular [OPTIONS] META_DATA_PATH

  Convert tabular to FHIR format (experimental)

  meta_data_path: meta_data FHIR directory
  tabular_data_path: tabular data directory